The Beat Drop

Welcome to The Pulse’s *new and improved* newsletter!

Expand That Palate

Support Your Fellow Student Podcasters

Listen to Justin and Ben’s newest episode of Hot Take Artists, The Semester is NEW, but the NFL season is PEAK

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Interested in becoming a radio DJ or podcast host? Email [email protected] with your interests!

Get to Know Our Staff

Meet Zoe!

What do you do at The Pulse?

“My job at The Pulse is to connect The Pulse with local businesses. I streamline the opportunity for them to advertise with us through our magazine The Swinging Bridge, our radio, or our social media. All of these avenues provide funding for our various goals and projects. I also create and manage our budget as an organization, tracking how much we spend as well as what we spend on.”

Current favorite song?

“My current favorite song is "Nothing Ever Stays" by Birdtalker. Folk and indie rock are my two favorite genres, and this song is a perfect example of my music taste-- lots of rich harmony and acoustic experimentation.”

Current favorite podcast?

“My current favorite podcast is "Twenty Minute VC" or "20VC" for short. It's host Harry Stebbings interviews the world's greatest venture capitalists and provides insight on current market trends. I enjoy listening to people talk who are way smarter than me so one day I can provide the same helpful insight or wisdom to others.”

Favorite spot on campus?

“My favorite spot on campus is my dorm floor's lounge. My friend BreAnn often bakes there and it becomes a hub for all of my friends to gather and chat while eating a new snack every week. Some favorites have been Saturday morning waffles and homemade pumpkin cookies.” 

Verse of the month: Psalm 98:1