Helloooo February

new month, new current rotation, new podcast episodes and more!

February may be the shortest month of the year, but let’s make it count!
Black Lives Matter Blm GIF by INTO ACTION

Gif by IntoAction on Giphy

Expand That Palate

  1. Do or Die - Quarters of Change (modern rock)

  2. My Room - Ty Segall (lo-fi)

  3. How Sweet Is Your Love - Sinkage (reggae fusion)

  4. Arm’s Length - Large Brush Collection (Americana)

  5. Mullholland’s Dinner and Wine - Declan McKenna (POV: Indie)

Support Your Fellow Student Podcasters

Listen to Justin and Ben’s newest episode of Hot Take Artists, The Ultimate QB Glazing Competition

Historically Speaking is 1 Year Old! In this first epsiode of Season 3, A Historical Anniversary, Josh and AJ quiz one another on their "Historically Speaking" knowledge.

Get Involved

Interested in becoming a radio DJ or podcast host? Email [email protected] with your interests!

Messiah Moments

Last weekend was an eventful one on campus, with the SAB’s Pajama Jam on Saturday and Coffeehouse on Sunday! Check out the rest of the photo albums on our Facebook page!

Click on the picture above to view the full January Coffeehouse photo album!

Click on the picture above to view the full Pajama Jam photo album!

Get to Know Our Staff

Meet Emma!

What do you do at The Pulse?

“I am the current Yearbook Manager at The Pulse! Basically, I am in charge of designing, gathering, and scheduling anything involving the yearbook.”

Current favorite song?

“My current favorite song would probably be "Heather on the Hill" by Nathan Evans. It has been the song stuck in my head and on repeat!”

Current favorite podcast?

“I am not much of a podcast person, though I used to listen to “Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby!” all the time. I just recently bought a book written by Liv Albert (the podcaster) and it reminded me I need to catch up with current episodes…”

Favorite spot on campus?

“My favorite spot on campus is either the Swinging Bridge or just around the Breeches. The place I feel the most comfort/peace is in nature, so after a long day of classes, I will usually spend some time walking around there!” 

Verse of the month: 1 John 4:7