you're THIS close...

The Office Jim GIF
THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!!! Only 6 more days of classes. You’re THIS close to summer break. Here’s some music, podcasts, and burnout tips to keep you going. If you scroll further, you’ll even get to meet our audio/visual assistant, Zach!

Expand That Palate

Top 5

  1. Catch M If You Can - Joseph Luca

  2. The Good - Laura Carbone

  3. Acid Island 45 - Hindsight

  4. Great Decisions - Judah & the Lion

  5. Have It All - Good Grief

New Podcast Episodes for You!

What would it be like to be NFL GMs For a Day?

Josh & AJ discuss some of the "Hot Takes" of history!

The Swinging Bridge Online

No new articles this week… catch up on some of our latest ones below!

Feeling burnt out? Check out this reel for some tips (read caption)!

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Meet Zach!


What do you do at The Pulse?

“I take photos and videos at the pulse. You can see my work in magazines and various social media posts.”

Current favorite song?

 My favorite song is a tie with Cheer Up Baby by Inhaler and Rumors by THE DRIVER ERA and Ross Lynch

Current favorite podcast?

I love Talkin' Baseball with Jomboy Media

Favorite spot on campus?

“My favorite spot is a secret. If you know, you know”

Verse of the month: John 11:25